
Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad was held at the flagship university

Interuniversity Mathematical Olympiad was held at the flagship university

On the 24th of November , the second Interuniversity Mathematics Olympiad was held on the basis of the flagship university of the Belgorod region, in which students of the 1-2 courses from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod State University and BelSAU named after V.Ya. Gorina were participated.
Russian Student Unitscelebrated the fiftieth anniversary

Russian Student Unitscelebrated the fiftieth anniversary

On the 28th of November , the flagship university of the Belgorod Region celebrated the 50th anniversary of the movement “Russian Student Units” of the Belgorod Region. Fifty years ago, on the territory of Belgorod Technological Institute of Building Materials named. I.A. Grishmanov (this was the name of “Technologist” in 1968), the first student groups appeared.
The university hosted the International Student Construction Forum 2018

The university hosted the International Student Construction Forum 2018

On the 26th of November, the 3rd International Student Construction Forum-2018 was held at the flagship university. The organizer of the forum was the Department of Construction and Municipal Economy of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov with the support of the department of construction and transport of the Belgorod region.
University Academic Council summed up the year 2018

University Academic Council summed up the year 2018

In the center of high technology of BSTU. Named after V.G. Shukhov held a meeting of the Academic Council. On the agenda were discussed and discussed important issues relating to the different activities of the university.
University scientist discussed training issues in geology and mining

University scientist discussed training issues in geology and mining

A meeting of the Council of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association (FUMO) in the system of higher education in an integrated group of specialties and areas of training "Applied Geology, Mining, Oil and Gas and Geodesy" was held at the Ural Mining University (UMU).
Gold medal in judo in the Championship of Russia - a student of the university

Gold medal in judo in the Championship of Russia - a student of the university

The Russian Judo Championship among juniors (under 21) was held in Nazran (the Republic of Ingushetia). The flagship university at the competition was presented by a student Ekaterina Shagayeva. The girl won the Championship of the Central Federal District in October and received a ticket to the Championship of Russia.
Experts opinion about agrogomeopathy

Experts opinion about agrogomeopathy

At the flagship university – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - the first of the series was a training seminar for specialists on the topic “Innovative non-chemical technologies of growing plants in a garden”.
The university chose Student of the Year 2018

The university chose Student of the Year 2018

For the first time on the stage of the regional Center for Youth Initiatives, a traditional large-scale event of the flagship university took place – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - "Student of the Year-2018".

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