The university hosted the International Student Construction Forum 2018

n the 26th of  November, the 3rd International Student Construction Forum-2018 was held at the flagship university. The organizer of the forum was the Department of Construction and Municipal Economy of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov with the support of the department of construction and transport of the Belgorod region.


The forum included the main areas:

- effective building systems and structures, ensuring the reliability and durability of buildings and structures;

- progressive organizational and technological solutions in construction;

- technical operation and monitoring of the technical condition of buildings and structures;

- prospects for the development of housing and communal services of the urban infrastructure;

- materials science and nanotechnology in construction.

The forum brought together over 250 young scientists and was represented by a wide geography: BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, Kursk State University, Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University, Tver State Technical University, Saratov State Technical University. Yu.A. Gagarin, Siberian State Industrial University, Northern (Arctic) Federal University.MvLomonosov St. Petersburg Mining University, Hulunbuir Institute (PRC). Students from Iraq, Afghanistan, Uganda and other countries took an active part in the event.


The topics of the reports were varied and interesting. Students and teachers actively discussed the design features of a wooden frame house, seismic insulation, and concrete properties. According to the results of the forum, an electronic collection of reports will be issued.

The best speakers were awarded diplomas of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree. Students 4th year of study of our universityNikolayAnisimovich and Alexander Mangal were awarded certificates for their active participation.


The Department of CIG expresses its gratitude to the leadership of the University, the Department of Construction and Transport of the Belgorod Region and invites the young scientists to the active participation in the International Student Construction Forum-2019.

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