The Legal Department

The Head of the Department
Nikolay V. Ignatyev
Tel.: 8 (4722) 30-99-15
office 422 (main building), Kostjukova st, 46

The Legal Department of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov (formerly, the law office) was formed on August 15, 1996. All employees of the department are highly qualified specialists with higher legal education.

The tasks of legal department are determined by the modern course taken by the university's management to improve the quality of educational services, strengthening the rights and legitimate interests of the university.

The objectives:

  • Strengthening the rule of law at the university.
  • Implementation of measures to comply with labor and other legislation.
  • Preparation and coordination of orders for the admission, dismissal and transfer of university employees, as well as other regulations developed at the university.
  • The control over the legality of legal documents, the adoption of measures to repeal or amend acts contrary to the law.
  • Protection of property and other interests of the university in various courts and other instances on claims filed against the university, or on the initiative of the university.
  • Taking measures to recover material damage caused to the university.

The functions:

  • interaction with judicial and law enforcement agencies;
  • Participation in the arbitration court and courts of general jurisdiction as a representative of the university;
  • provision of legal methods for the activities of structural units and public organizations of the university;
  • interaction with the accounting department of the university on reimbursement of accounts receivable;
  • daily, according to the schedule, the provision of legal advice to employees and students.
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