
  • The Department of Educational Policy

    The Department of Educational Policy was established to improve the management of the educational process.

  • Department for Control of Procurement and Logistics

    The Department for Control of Procurement and Logistics is headed by Andrey O. Lutenko.

  • Department of Capital Construction

    The Department of Capital Construction carries out activities related to the planning and implementation of construction, reconstruction and capital repairs of immovable property of the federal property located at the university.

  • Human Resources Department

    The Human Resources Department as a structural division exists since the university establishment. As the university developed, the number of students, departments and faculties increased, and the Human Resources Department also evolved.

  • Department of Informatization and Communications

    The Department of Informatization and Communications was established in June 2010. The head of the department is Alexander V. Belousov.

  • Scientific and Research Centre

    Scientific Research work and the introduction of its results are carried out by the BSTU Scientific and Research Works Centre

  • Top Staff Training Department

    Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University is an educational training centre of specialists of highly professional level, successfully solving the most complex problems connected with high competitiveness of domestic industries and developing the most perspective directions in science.

  • The Legal Department

    The Legal Department of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov (formerly, the low office) was formed on August 15, 1996.

  • Security Department

    The department was established in 2003 through the transformation of the department of protection, its name was repeatedly changed in connection with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and organizational and staff arrangements. 55 control staff and watchmen work at the department.

  • The Mobilization, Civil Defense and Emergency department

    Students, studying at the university, receive the necessary knowledge in the field of civil defense, which will be in demand in practical work as an engineer (manager) of production.

  • Accomodation complex

    Student residential complex of V.G. Shukhov BSTU includes four dormitories located in the campus and one located in the city center. More than 3,000 students live in five dormitories of total area 14,454 m2. Undergraduate students live in rooms for 2–4 people, postgraduate students — room for 1–2 people.

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