Research work

The Department of Urban Cadastre and Engineering Survey is working on the following scientific areas:

  • Determination of physical and mechanical properties of soils;
  • Issuing conclusions and recommendations on methods to strengthen the foundations and foundations and other possible activities;
  • Topographic survey of construction sites;
  • Survey of the state of buildings and structures using geodetic methods as part of complex studies;
  • Monitoring of deformations of building structures and structures;
  • Monitoring of surface deformations.

Department of Architecture and Urban Development:

  • "Principles of Urban Development of Elements and a Network of Small Cities and Agglomerations of  Belgorod Region" (headed by Prof. M. Perkova, Ex: Tribuntseva K.M, Ladik E.I)
  • "Principles of increasing the social efficiency of the spatial structure of the city of Belgorod" (headed by Professor Bolshakov A.G, mod .: Lonshakov D.A.)
  • "Functional-spatial prototyping of town-planning and architectural objects, development and prototyping of art-design objects" (Perkova M..V, Ladik E.I.)

Scientific activity Perkova MV is reflected in the monograph "High-risk areas in the city master plan", issued in 2006.

Practical significance is the development of the architectural and landscape environment of BSTU and the city of Belgorod in general, the creation of the park "Academy of Crafts" (Associate Professor Efremova N.V.)

The Department of Architecture and Urban Development is also considering the strategy of reconstructing residential buildings of the first mass series, the free planning of buildings for various purposes, the use of effective insulation systems. Created for solving these problems, the student's design bureau allows not only to raise the level of future specialists, but also to solve the city's problems in designing and re-planning buildings and structures. This work at the department is conducted under the guidance of Associate Professor Perkova M.V. in conjunction with the Department of Architectural Constructions (Professor I.A. Degtev, Associate Professors N.D. Chernysh, G.V. Korenkova, N.A. Mityakina).

During the existence of the department, a number of textbooks and textbooks were published:

  1. Lavrik G.I. Methodological basis of district planning. Introduction to demoecology .: A textbook for high schools. - Belgorod .: BSTU, 2006.
  2. Lavrik G.I. Methods for assessing the quality of housing. Study. Design. Experetise .: Textbook for high schools. - Belgorod: BSTU, 2007
  3. Mironenko V.P. Illustrated terminological dictionary, Architecture. Design. Ergonomics. - Belgorod: BSTU, 2009
  4. Mironenko V.P. Ergonomics- Belgorod: BSTU, 2007
  5. Kalinin Yu.M., Perkova M.V. Architectural prototyping: Textbook. - Belgorod .: BSTU, 2010
  6. Tokareva Т.V. History of architecture and urban planning. Ancient world. Tutorial. - Belgorod .: BSTU, 2010
  7. Bozhko A.T., Popov A.D. Fonts in the architectural composition - Belgorod .: BSTU, 2010

In the framework of the work of the student scientific society, conferences are held annually with the participation of students of 4, 5, 6 courses and leading teachers of the department. The reports made within the framework of these seminars are evaluated by the jury on several indicators (relevance of the topic, degree of study, scientific novelty, etc.), and then recommended for publication.

Competitive projects of buildings and structures, performed by architectural students, have found wide application in the improvement of the city of Belgorod and the region. The development of character signs makes it possible to use conceptual solutions in the design of entry signs to areas of the region. The results of research in this area are used in course design.

The scientists of the department take an active part in many scientific and practical conferences taking place in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the countries of the near and far abroad. At the conferences held at BSTU. V.G.Shukhova, the direction on a profile of scientific activity of a department is allocated. All teachers of the department are engaged in scientific work with students of II-VI courses.

Department of Architectural Environment Design:

There is a perfection of educational process. New training assignments, the subject of course and diploma and design are being developed.

Projects on the DAS specialty are complex and require a complex pre-project component. On all course projects written methodical tasks and directions. A number of teachers (Mironenko V.P. and Popov A.D.) wrote textbooks and teaching aids with the stamp of methodology instructions. Currently, curriculum development plans for undergraduate and graduate programs are being developed.

Manuals, monograph:

  • Monograph for students studying in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment" "Methodology of architectural and design design." Author Popov A.D.
  • Textbook for students studying in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment" "Graphic design." Author: Popov, A.D.
  • Monograph for students studying in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment". "Man - color - environment". Author: Popov, A.D.
  • Monograph for students studying in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment". "Repin: sketches of poetics and creative method." Author Shilo A.V.
  • Monograph for students studying in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment." "Portrait and" Mask ": Questions of Theory and Methodology" Author Shilo A.V.
  • Methodical instruction for students studying in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment" for the execution of the course work "Design of the museum's subject-spatial environment for 200 visitors". Author: Popov, A.D.
  • Methodical instruction for 3-year students studying in the specialty "Design of the architectural environment" for the course work "Sanitary and hygienic complex". Author: Popov, A.D.
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