Wireless technologies use on the Corporate Computer Network (CCN) of BSTU

Currently the university technologies use access of Wi-Fi development that provides conditions for mobile, reliable and safe connection of students, teachers and staff of the university to Corporate Computer Network (CCN) and information resources of global networks. The deployment of Wi-Fi network is carried out further together with cable infrastructure development.

The project of creation of system of wireless access to (CCN) resources of the university and the Internet began in BSTU in 2007 which has achieved a new qualitative level this year. Today access to network resources in Wi-fi technology is available to eight (8) university blocks.

The wireless segment is capable to provide access to (CCN) and Internet according to protocols 802.11abg providing at the same time speed to 54megabauts. The basic hardware wireless switch Cisco 4400 series supported by Cisco AIR-LAP 1131, 1232 series access points and also switch set up of PoE is used.

The organizational legal basis of usage of wireless access is worked out. The rules and system of fees are developed. There are access cards to wireless network and Internet on sale. Due to the wide circulation possibilities in the students’ environment the compact devices is capable to link to the technology network of Wi-Fi whose service has become popular.

The possibility of wireless technologies use on the university campus is inseparably linked to the general infrastructure development of Corporate Computer Network (CCN)  that serves as a solution to such main objectives as increase physical capacity of network channels for maximum use of the projected infrastructure of optical communications; development and deployment of centralized monitoring software and diagnostics of network for the purpose of achieving new level of (CCN)  control of the university and others.

Works on coverage zone extension of Wi-Fi signals based on analysis carried-out on the territory of the campus are continuing.

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