Electronic archive of open access

It is possible to get acquainted with the archive of open access (repository) of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University through the link: http://dspace.bstu.ru.

DSpace — open, free (license BSD) cross-platform J2EE appl., platform for institutional repository (for long-term storage of digital materials used for academic researches).

The archive of open access contains thematic sections (Communities), subsections (Sub-Communities) and collections (Collections) with different document types.

Information on most often published authors and used keywords is reflected in the homepage of the repository in the Discover section (Principal).

Search in DSpace of BSTU

Search and viewing of documents is available to all users (including unauthorized) in various parameters through the Browse:

  • According to subject sections and collections (Communities & Collections);
  • By publication date (Issue Date) in chronological or reverse order;
  • On authors (Author) in alphabetic or reverse order;
  • According to titles (Titles) in alphabetic or reverse order
  • According to keywords (Subjects).

By activating the Search DSpace field, the context search, including texts of the attached files, summaries and names of publications is activated.

The specific search in the framework of Search DSpace permits the combination various fields and signs:

  • by decrease/increase, sum of results on the page, system of operandi  (for example, contain, equals, etc.). Search change options are carried out by Update function use.

To view the publication, it is necessary to select the appropriate title from the list.

The viewing of record about the publication is carried out in two modes – the short and complete version (Simple Item Record and Full Item Record). The main language of data representation in a repository is English.

The Statistics field provides information on attendance of a resource, files downloading and the number of viewing of the publication.

The recommendation of the publication to other users is provided by means of the Recommend this item function:

Records about documents are provided to repositories in English with duplicating of the main fields in the original language

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