Head of the Centre
Irina Alexandrovna
Doctor (Economics), Professor


The Scientific and Methodical Centre of professional education of experts in the field of accounting, analysis and auditing

In February, 2012 the department of Accounting and auditing was organised at the Scientific and Methodical Centre.

The Scientific and Methodical Centre (SMC) of professional education of experts in the field of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing, is a structural division of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University.

The purpose of organisation of the centre is to improve the quality of additional professional educational training, in-service-trainings and professional development of experts in the field of information and communication technologies in accounting and auditing.

The teaching staff of the Accounting and Auditing department, other departments of the university and as well as leading experts of the third-party organizations participate in work of the centre.

It is possible to distinguish the following main objectives of SMC:

  • the organization of educational process of professional development and in-service-training of personnel for information and communication technologies in accounting and auditing;
  • carrying out research and development in the field of accounting, economic analysis and auditing;
  • cooperation with international and regional organizations, funds, research centres, educational institutions, other organizations as well as individuals in information and communication technologies in accounting and auditing;
  • the organization of testing centres of in the field of information and communication technologies in accounting and auditing;
  • the organization and carrying out, independently and in cooperation with other organizations, exhibitions, seminars, scientific and practical and methodical conferences, round table forums, master classes on topical issues of the theory and practice of accounting, economic analysis, auditing;
  • publication of scientific research results, seminars, situational analyses, discussions and other activities.

Professional consultations in accounting provide solutions to problems and answers to issues arising in the course of financial and economic activities in the shortest possible time.

The main advantage of professional consultations in accounting is their efficiency and quality.

Department staff organise consultations in the following directions:

  • Consultations in accounting organisation;
  • Consultations in filling of tax declaration reports;
  • Accounting consultations in taxation optimization;
  • Accounting consultations in tax auditing preparation;
  • Evaluation of accounting and tax report, economic activities results for the purpose of decisions on efficiency of implementation activities.

In the SMC research activities in the field of accounting, the economic analysis and auditing are actively conducted. For the development purpose, students, graduate students, teachers of the universities and practitioner experts are recruited.

The training courses in the centre are organized in the following categories: advanced course, advanced in-service training courses, individual preparation courses.

The centre holds practical and thematic seminars not less than 2 times a year.

Learners in the Centre are trained on contracts basis signed between BSTU and customers.

The rights and responsibilities of learners are regulated by these contracts. Learners are issued certificates upon courses termination.

Contact and additional information:

  • Tkachenko Yulia Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Accounting & Auditing;
  • Tel. +7-910-320-44-34
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