SRI Synergetic

The Synergetic scientific research institute was created on October 28 in 2003 in the base of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University to carry out complex scientific researches in the interdisciplinary spheres and their coordination within the scope of the university and implementation of related innovative activities.

The director of Synergetic Scientific Research Institute is Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Nikolay Semyonovich Danakin.

Main objectives and tasks of Synergetic Scientific Research Institute

  • Integration of BSTU scientists, scientific research institute and higher educational institutions of the Belgorod region, the Central Black Earth Zone, the Russian Federation.
  • Accumulation of financial resources to carry out basic exploratory and applied researches, developments and deployments of high technologies.
  • Development of efficient social projects and technologies for the optimization functioning of scientific information scope.
  • An intensification of researches in the field of synergetics by intellectual, material, resources concentration, application of sociology energy development approach of social and information technologies.
  • Close cooperation support from leading scientific institutes on related subject.
  • Widening and deeping of integration of BSTU with academic and science departments.
  • Participation in the execution of international scientific programs and grants, implementation of researches results from abroad.
  • Development of innovative technologies in the field of social administrative management of the university and effective use of their creative potentials.
  • Improvement of social and humanitarian quality preparation and spiritual and moral education of specialists of the university, vocational education humanitarization.

Main spheres of synergetic scientific research institute

  • Execution of basic and applied researches in the field of synergetics.
  • Implementation of economic and innovative activities.
  • Stimulation of basic, applied researches and also intensive use of their results in practice.
  • Preparation and publication of scientific, educational, methodical and other literature reflecting researches results.
  • Organization of symposiums, conferences and seminars.
  • Participation in all-Russian and international programs, competitions and grants.
  • Training of highly qualified specialists in interdisciplinary researches in postgraduate studies and doctoral studies.
  • In-service training and professional development of engineering and teaching staff.
  • Implementation of other types of activities according to the status of scientific research institute.


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