
A meeting of the Academic Council was held at the flagship university on May 30 2018

A meeting of the Academic Council was held at the flagship university on May 30 2018

Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Professor Sergey Glagolev held a regular meeting of the Academic Council. It began with the presentation of the book of the honorary guest of the university - the President of the International Shukhov Foundation, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, a member of the International Union of Journalists Leonid Stern. The high guest presented the three-volume «Selected Works of the Honorary Academician Shukhov». The multivolume edition was issued specifically for the 165th anniversary of the birth of a great engineer, whose name is a technological university. The books were solemnly handed over to the university with the wish to raise worthy followers of Shukhov's thought and deed.
Intra-university competition of innovative projects is completed

Intra-university competition of innovative projects is completed

The annual university competition of innovative projects «The Cup of Young Innovators of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov» was held for students, graduate and young scientists of the university within the framework of the «Program for the Development of the Flagship University for 2017-2021» in academic year 2017-18.
Forum «Serbian days in Chernozemye - 2018» will be held at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

Forum «Serbian days in Chernozemye - 2018» will be held at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

Forum «Serbian days in Chernozemye - 2018» will be held at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov from 1 to 4 June. «Serbian days» is a social and cultural event of federal scale aimed at popularizing the Serbian language and culture in all its multifaceted manifestations, as well as Russian-Serbian friendship and partnership. A special direction of the «Serbian days in Chernozemye » is the presentation of tourism and education opportunities in the Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

pages: 182 83 84 85 86137

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