Meeting on the International Day against Drug Addiction was held at the university

Since 1986, June 26 is considered the International Day against Drug Abuse. The meeting of the students of the Department of Construction and Municipal Economy with the representatives of the Service for Drug Trafficking Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Belgorod Region was timed to this date.

Vice-Rector for Security Vladimir Borisovsky opened the meeting and stressed the importance of such events.

Marina Borchenko, Senior Operational Officer of the Service for Drug Trafficking Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Belgorod Region, told about the actual problems connected with the illegal drug trafficking of among young people. According to Marina Nikolaevna, the situation with the society narcotization is becoming more dangerous every year due to the emergence of new types of drugs and new forms of their distribution. Marina Nikolaevna told about the preventive work carried out in the among youth. She pointed out that prevention is still an effective measure to stop drug offenses. She also said that police officials find drug distributors on the Internet, the punishment for this crime is 10 to 15 years of imprisonment.


Psychiatrists specializing in narcology from «Regional Drug Addiction Clinic» Ksenia Shvets acted as a co-rapporteur on this issue.

She talked about the consequences of addiction, demonstrating video. Ksenia Nikolaevna stressed that it is necessary to strengthen work with the risk group, to carry out preventive measures, to involve students in the social and cultural life of the university, not to allow social isolation and to be attentive to the problems of young people.

At the end of the meeting, Vice-Rector for Security Vladimir Borisovsky thanked those present and wished to be vigilant at all times and everywhere.

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