
Association of Foreign Students in Russia

On the initiative of the foreign citizens studying in Russia and with the support of the higher educational establishments and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, there was founded "The Association of the Foreign Students" in Russia (the AFS). About 100 delegates from all continents, from 17 cities of the Russian Federation, 37 countries and more than 28 universities attended the first founding conference. "The Association of Foreign Students' was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 29, 1996 (the registration number YuR-28). The Belgorod branch of AFS was established at a joint meeting of foreign undergraduate and postgraduate students studying in the universities of the Belgorod region and the founder of the AFS Gabriel Kochofa, BSTU and the Department of International Activity administration.The necessity of the Association founding is connected with the aspiration of the foreign students to unite for solving problems on their studies, living conditions, rest, advancing of the intellectual and cultural level, sports, medical service, legal and social care.

The AFS is a public, non-political, non-commercial establishment. AFS operates in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, and the charter of the Association.

The activity of the AIS is open for foreign students, public organizations of foreign students, as well as for state, joint-stock, and other organizations of the Russian Federation.

The main aims and goals of the AFS are:

  • the assistance in strengthening and broadening of mutual understanding between foreign students of educational establishments of the Russian Federation and their public organizations and the administration and bodies of public education;
  • assistance to foreign students in their professional training, representation and protection of the legal rights and interests of the foreign citizens, studying in the Russian Federation;
  • assistance in strengthening of mutual understanding and friendship between nations.

To achieve these goals, the Association solves the following tasks:

  • informs the Russian citizens and the world public by means of mass media about the foreign student state, work of foreign students' organizations
  • provide the material and legal support to foreign students in Russia;
  • grant foreign students an AFS scholarship;
  • conducts different cultural and sports events to familiarize foreign students with russian history and culture;
  • upgrade the normative acts and documents, determining the legal status of foreign students in the Russian Federation;
  • establish relations with the organizations and associations of foreign students training in other countries as well as with the non-government international establishments;
  • establish and develop relations with associations of the Russian educational institutions' alumni

AFS members can be foreign citizens and people without citizenship studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation, university students, the administration stuff of educational institutions, representatives of ministries and departments involved in the training of foreign citizens in Russia who wish to assist in the activities of the AFS may also be admitted to AFS members.


6 Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
tel./fax + 7- (495) -434-70-27


Room 125, Dormitory No.1, 44 Kostyukova Str., Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation
Tel. + 7(4722) 30-99-87

Members of the co-ordinatiтп council of the Belgorod AFS branch:

  • Chairman — Aidov Diyar Nuryagdievich,  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
  • Chairman — Kaderi Sadjid, NRU "BSU",
  • Shodja Nauruzi, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
  • Monteiro Onaravirevesh José-Sabi, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
  • Marlon Luzayamo, BSAU
  • Kelembe Zakariash, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

The main goals of the branch:

  • to assist and help the Belgorod branch of the Association of Foreign Students in Russia, to provide its members with moral, material (when possible) and practical assistance;
  • to promote the effective functioning of the Belgorod branch of the Association of Foreign Students in Russia.

The Belgorod branch also assists students in purchasing an air ticket abroad and home by means of the headquarters of the association in Moscow. The Belgorod AFS branch helps all members of the association and Russian students to obtain the International Student Ticket (ISIC), which gives the discounts for air tickets.

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