Happy Shrovetide to everybody

On Monday, Shrovetide stars. According to old traditions, on this day of the straw effigy of Winter made, put on old women's clothes and singing were taken on a sled through the village.

Tuesday called "playing". From this day all over the country began all sorts of entertainment: festivals, performances buffoons and Puppet Theater headed by Petrushka. The streets were walking mummers in masks, then travels through the familiar homes where impromptu concerts arranged cheerful home. More companies are riding around town in threes and simple sleigh. Plunged in the second pancake day, foreigners are happy to have participated in a playful competition "horse racing", and beautiful ladies even a ride in a "horse carriage".

Wednesday - gourmand - opened treat all houses cult Shrovetide meal - pancakes - and other dishes. And the pancakes are known symbol of the sun, so the "solar terms" the game came at an opportune moment. Its members cheerfully jumped over a broom untwisted elegant and fun with all their hearts.

On Thursday - binge - accounted for the middle of games and fun. It was then passed and hot Shrovetide fisticuffs. Paying tribute to the Russian tradition, students agreed "wall to wall" and to try to force. According to the participants, the fun came to everyone's taste.

Saturday at Shrovetide week was devoted to young daughter who hosted relatives and demonstrate their skills.

At the end of the event to foreign visitors were told how to accompany Shrove Tuesday. And to accompany it, of course, you need to with songs, jokes, dances, dances. Our students also learned that the carnival week ends Forgiveness Sunday. On this day all ask each other for forgiveness, freeing themself from the wrath of sin, resentment and irritation before Lent.

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