Division of Labor Protection

The division was established in order to create healthy and safe working conditions in the structural units of the university that meet the requirements of norms, rules and instructions on labor protection.

The objectives:

  • Organization of preventive work to forestall occupational injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors.
  • Organization of investigation of accidents at work, participation in the work of the commission for the investigation of accidents and development of measures for their prevention.
  • Organization of work on measuring parameters of hazardous and harmful production factors, attestation of workplaces and production equipment for compliance with labor protection requirements.
  • Organization of timely training of university staff on labor protection and industrial safety.
  • Realization of control over the state of labor protection at workplaces, observance of the lawful rights and interests of staff in the field of labor protection, preservation of their life and health in the course of labor activity.
  • Control of compliance with laws and other regulatory acts on labor protection, collective agreement, labor protection agreement, other local regulations of the university.
  • Provision of introductory and repeated briefings, training and testing of knowledge on labor protection of university employees.
  • Preparation of the list of persons of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, engaged in harmful work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, subject to periodic medical examination.
  • Participation in the agreement with the trade union committee of the sections of the collective agreement concerning conditions and labor protection, the agreement on labor protection of the university.
  • Compilation of reporting in accordance with established forms and in accordance with the terms established by regulatory legal acts on labor protection.

Contact information:
Address: office 115 (library building)
Tel.: (4722) 30-99-01
Working hours: from 08.00 to 17.00
Lunch break: from 12.00 to 13.00

Note: introduction training with newly accepted (transferred) employees is conducted from 8.00 to 14.00.

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