Security Department

The department was established in 2003 through the transformation of the department of protection, its name was repeatedly changed in connection with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and organizational and staff arrangements. 55 control staff and watchmen work at the department.

Head of the Department: Alexander V. Tsukanov, tel. 8 (4722) 30-99-37

The main activities:

  • Coordination of work to ensure the integrated security of the university
  • Development of regulations, programs and plans on security issues and organization of their implementation;
  • Organization and implementation of measures to ensure anti-terrorist and anti-criminal protection of the territory and facilities of the university.
  • Organization of work to ensure the personal and property security of employees and students, including foreign ones.
  • Organization and maintenance of access and in-office mode, establishment and functioning of the system of physical and technical protection.
  • Development and control of the safety system in everyday and special conditions.
  • Organization of training of personnel and students of the University for actions in emergency situations.
  • Organization of round-the-clock control over the situation, prompt response to violations in life support systems, anti-terrorist, anti-criminal, fire and other security areas, emergency and other incidents.
  • Maintaining records of violations of security requirements and the persons who committed them.
  • Stewardship of the student operational unit of assistance to the police.


  • The territory of the university is fenced (3.5 km) along the perimeter.
  • Complexes of security and fire alarm, video surveillance and access control, sound alerts about fire in educational buildings and dormitories that work in a unified system are installed.
  • The protection of the territory is carried out by the guards and patrols of the police, the officers of the operational detachment along the developed routes.
  • A district police commissioner is assigned to the university.
  • Employees of the security department and operational student detachment are equipped with communication facilities, uniforms, trained on mock-ups of the territory and in classes, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments applicable to employees of private security companies. The professional level is constantly growing.
  • Certification of employees is carried out once every two years.

Commercial activities:

  • Parking security for employees and students transport facilities.
  • Training and retraining of specialists of organizations on actions in emergency situations, including fire safety, life safety and environmental safety.
  • Training of employees of various organizations for shooting from service weapons (for employees of security units, members of society of hunters, etc..
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