Chemical Technology Institute


Director of the Institute
Yastrebinsky Roman Nikolaevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Tel .: (4722) 54-96-04
lab building., room 333

The history of the formation and development of the Institute of Chemical Technology begins with the formation of two departments - chemistry and chemical technology of building materials.

Initially, the training of process engineers was carried out in the specialty "Chemical technology of binding materials", the first graduation of which took place in 1972. By order of the building materials industry, training of process engineers for ceramics and refractory factories began in 1971, in 1973 - for glass factories and since 1976 - for enterprises producing concrete, reinforced concrete and other types of building products and structures.

In 2004, on the basis of the first faculty of the university - Chemical technology of building materials, the Institute of Building Materials Science was organized. In 2011, on the basis of two institutes: the Institute of Construction Materials Science and Environmental Engineering, the Institute of Construction Materials Science and Technosphere Safety  was established. In 2016, it was renamed the Chemical-Technological Institute.

The departments providing training in the specialties of CTI have highly qualified teachers.

The staff of the institute includes about 230 teachers, researchers, graduate students and doctoral students, including 40 doctors of sciences, professors, 80 candidates of sciences, associate professors. Over 90% of the teaching staff have academic degrees and titles. The material base of the graduating departments includes modern laboratory equipment and computer technology. For the national economy of the country, 9100 specialists in the field of cement technology and composite materials, as well as specialists in glass and ceramics technology, ecologists, specialists in technosphere safety and protection in emergency situations have been trained.


The Institute offers the following courses:

Specialist level:

  • 18.05.02 – Chemical technology of modern energy materials
  • 20.05.01 – Fire safety

In the areas of bachelor's degree:

  • 18.03.01 – Chemical technology
  • 18.03.02 – Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology
  • 19.03.01 – Biotechnology
  • 20.03.01 – Technosphere safety
  • 20.03.02 – Environmental engineering and water use
  • 28.03.02 – Nanoengineering

Master's are being trained in the following areas:

  • 18.04.01 – Chemical technology
  • 18.04.02 – Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology
  • 20.04.01 – Technosphere Safety
  • 20.04.02 – Environmental engineering and water use

Training of postgraduates and doctoral students is underway in the following areas:

  •  03.06.01 – Physics and Astronomy
  •  04.06.01 – Chemical sciences
  •  05.06.01 – Geosciences
  •  18.06.01 – Chemical Technologies
  •  19.06.01 – Industrial ecology and biotechnology
  •  20.06.01 – Technosphere Safety
List of departments
Research activities
Attested and accredited specialized laboratories
  • Address: 308012, Belgorod, 46 Kostyukov  street, BSTU, the lab. building, room 333
  • Phone number: (4722) 55 - 96 - 04
  • Email:




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