Transportation Technology Institute

Director of institute
Novikov Ivan Alekseevich

Dr., docent
Ph.: 8 (4722) 54-96-62

The automobile road faculty at Belgorod state technological university named after V.G. Shukhov was formed on March 15, 2004. In the beginning the faculty offered three courses: "Automobile roads and airfields", "Hoist transport, construction, road machines and equipment", "Traffic safety and managent". In September, 2004 the first applicants in the area "Power supply" were enrolled. In October, 2005 the faculty was transformed into Automobile and Road institute (ARI). The dean of faculty, and then the director of institute became Cand.Tech.Sci., professor Gorshkova Nina Georgiyevna.

Due to the establishment of power engineering faculty the specialty "Power supply" was transferred to PEF. In 2005 the first applicants to a newly opened specialty "Service of Transport and Technological Machines and Equipment" were enrolled to study two areas: motor transport and construction, road and municipal cars. In 2008 two new specialties were opened: "Construction of railroads, track and track facilities" and "Human resource management". In 2009 the faculty enrolled students to study bachelor degree courses: "Land transportation systems" and "Operation of vehicles". Since 1.09.2011 the institute has been renamed into Transportation Technology Institute (TTI).

Now in TTI offers the following courses:

Specialist level:

  • 08.05.02 "Construction, operation, restoration and technical protection of automobile roads, bridges and transport tunnels";
  • 23.05.01 "Land transportation and technological means":
    - Hoist transport, construction, road means and equipment,
    - Technical means of environmental engineering and protection in emergency situations;
  • 23.05.06 "Construction of the railroads, bridges and transport tunnels";

Bachelor degree courses:

  • 08.03.01 "Construction":
    - Automobile roads and aerodromes;
  • 23.03.01 "Technology of transportation processes":
    - Traffic safety and management;
    - Investigation and inspection of road accident;
  • 23.03.02 "Land transport and technological complexes":
    - Hoist transport, construction, road machines and equipment;
    - Machines and equipment of environmental engineering and environment protection;
  • 23.03.03 "Operation of transport technological machines and complexes" profiles:
    - Motor vehicle maintenance;
    - Maintenance of transport and transport technological machines and equipment (Construction, road and municipal cars);

Master degree courses:

  • 08.04.01 "Construction engineering"
  • 23.04.01 "Technology of transportation processes"
  • 23.04.02 "Land transport and technological complexes"
  • 23.04.03 "Operation of transport technological machines and complexes"

Departments and laboratories

Research activities

Contact information:
  • Address: Belgorod, 46  Kostyukov str., BSTU, Transportation Technology Institute
  • Phone: 54-96-62, Email:






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