Research activities

The main directions of research:

  • Scientific and methodological bases of integrated assessment and management of the economic potential of regional entities;
  • Scientific and methodological bases of assessment and management mechanism of innovative potential of the region (scientific and educational aspect);
  • Scientific and methodological basis for valuation and management of the value of business of an industrial company;
  • The concept and theory of the formation of economic security in the region, enterprises, individuals;
  • Theory and methodology of the ecological and economic approach to the process of integrated use of mineral deposits in the conditions of market relations;
  • Theory and methodology of the formation and evaluation of the investment attractiveness of the region, the enterprise;
  • Theoretical substantiation of the complex of economic and mathematical models of the strategy of development of industries and enterprises of the building materials industry in conditions of dynamic decision environment;
  • Theoretical approaches to substantiating the effective use of the economic potential of natural monopolies in the development of industrial production.

A number of lecturers (D.E., Prof. A. Rudychev, D.E., Prof. Doroshenko Yu.A., D.E., Prof. S. Bukhonova, Prof. Kupriyanov S.V.) are experts in the scientific and technical sphere of the Republican Research Scientific and Consulting Expertise Center.

Among the scientific and educational partners of the Institute are the leading centers and universities of the Russian Federation - the Ural State Technical University; St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and others.

IEM partners: state concern "Cement", JSC Belgorod plant "ZhBK-1", JSC "BelACI", "Belgorod food factory", "Shebekinsky KSM", CJSC "Shebekinomel", "Vneshtorgbank", "Sberbank", etc., for which at various times the contractual research work was carried out and performed on the topics of interest to them, training and retraining of personnel.

У IEM has close contacts with the administration of the Belgorod region, for which over 10 recent research projects have been carried out in recent years:

  • A scheme for the development and deployment of the productive forces of the Belgorod Region;
  • Economic evaluation of the production potential of the Belgorod Region;
  • Economic evaluation of the region's labor resources;
  • Evaluation of the investment potential of the region;
  • Transfer of the field to territorial self-financing and self-financing;
  • Development of a mechanism for using the economic potential of the Belgorod Region;
  • Strategy for the development of the investment market in the region and the mechanism for its implementation, etc.
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