Research activities

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Research activity of "Power engineering and automatics" department:

The main research directions

  • Theoretical and computational study of the issues of improving the convergence of iterative methods for calculating power supply systems with non-uniform 6-20 kV electric grids;
  • Theoretical and calculated studies of the power supply system’s reliability and electrical equipment;
  • Theoretical and computational studies of methods for optimizing power and energy losses in power supply systems;
  • Reduction of power losses in AC power drives of industrial enterprises;
  • Development of theoretical foundations and principles of DC and AC electric drives;
  • Construction of mathematical models of power supply for buildings at the stages of creation of automated individual heat points and development of algorithms for managing energy-efficient building engineering systems;
  • Development of automatic control systems for power supply of buildings for various purposes on the basis of modern energy-efficient equipment;
  • Construction of mathematical models of technological objects for investigation of their features under dynamic types of impacts;
  • Development of numerical methods for solving applied boundary value problems with boundary conditions at infinity (external boundary value problems, problems for semiboundary media such as corona electrodes over the earth's surface, etc.);
  • Complex experimental researches of objects of various purpose with application of modern portable measuring devices.
Research activity of "Energy of heat technologies" department:

The main research directions

  • "Energy audit, optimization and energy saving in the production of heat energy, its transportation, distribution and consumption at utilities and industry". Scientific adviser: prof., Ph.D. V.P. Kozhevnikov
  • "Energy-saving water heaters and energy-technological processing of industrial gases". Scientific adviser: prof., Ph.D. V.P. Kozhevnikov
  • "Mathematical modeling of combustion and heat transfer in industrial furnaces and furnaces". The head: prof., Dr. tehn. sciences V.A. Kuznetsov
  • "Energy-technological analysis of the production processes of building materials as complex heat-engineering systems". Leader: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tech. Sciences P.A. Trubaev
  • "Development of theoretical and methodological foundations of energy saving management for large territorially distributed non-productive structures". Leader: Assoc., Dr. Tech. Sciences P.A. Trubaev.
  • "Development of scientific and methodological foundations of energy-resource-efficient mobile pneumatic transport installations". Leader: Assoc., Cand. Techn. Sciences V.G. Chertov
  • "Work processes of the trigeneration systems that generate electrical energy - heat energy - cold". Leader: Assoc., Cand. Of Tech. V.D. Zonov
Research activity of "Technical cybernetics" department:

The main research directions

  • Development of methods for designing modern systems for automation of technological processes and equipment;
  • Construction of mathematical models of objects and systems of automatic control with interval uncertainty and distributed parameters;
  • Methods of analysis and synthesis of robust class automation systems (robust stability, robust system modality);
  • Investigation of the stability and quality of control systems with fractional-irrational transfer functions;
  • Development of modern hardware-software controls based on microcontrollers (algorithmic and software systems).
Research activity of "Software engineering for computers and computer-based systems" departments:

The main research directions

  • Information security of distributed computing systems;
  • Monitoring and diagnosing distributed computing systems;
  • Neural networks and their application in technical systems;
  • Satellite technology of coordinate-time provision;
  • Mathematical modeling in problems of technical mechanics;
  • Soft computing and their application in decision support and modeling systems;
  • Development of problem-oriented management systems for technical, medical and social facilities.
  • The department trains highly qualified personnel with the conferment of scientific degrees of a candidate and a doctor of technical sciences on the following scientific specialties;
  • System analysis, management and processing of information;
  • mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes.
Research activity of "Standardization and quality management" department:

The main research directions

  • Information security of distributed computing systems;
  • Monitoring and diagnosing distributed computing systems;
  • Neural networks and their application in technical systems;
  • Satellite technology of coordinate-time provision;
  • Mathematical modeling in problems of technical mechanics;
  • Soft computing and their application in decision support and modeling systems;
  • Development of problem-oriented management systems for technical, medical and social facilities.
  • The department trains highly qualified personnel with the conferment of scientific degrees of a candidate and a doctor of technical sciences on the following scientific specialties:
  • System analysis, management and processing of information;
  • mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes.
Research activity of "Physics" department:

The main research directions

  • Investigation of ionic and molecular mobility and properties of nanocapillary liquids in aluminosilicates (Ph.D., Associate Professor A.V. Sabilinsky);
  • Development and research of the elements of functional composites based on semiconductor heterostructures (Ph.D., Associate Professor V.S. Vashchilin);
  • Preparation and investigation of physical properties of thin films created by magnetron sputtering (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor A.V. Kornilov);
  • Use of elements of mnemonics in the study of physics in secondary and higher schools (senior teacher V.N. Vinoglyadov);
  • Development of technological methods and methods of using microwave energy for the intensification of production processes "(senior teacher S.N. Lapteva);
  • Potophoresis of a volatile spherical drop with significant temperature changes and small Peclet and Reynold numbers "(senior teacher A.V. Limanskaya).
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