Construction Engineering Institute

Director of the Institute
Uvarov Valery Anatolyevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

The Departments of the Civil Engineering Institute at various times were part of  Construction and Technology Faculty,  Civil Engineering Faculty, Architecture and Construction Institute. Today the institute includes 7 departments, with more than 1200 people being trained.

The Institute conducts an active, diverse life, participates in international exhibitions and forums, is engaged in creative and sports work, participates in student events and construction teams.

The main objectives of the institute are:  training  highly qualified engineers and scientific workers of the Institute, active participation in methodological and educational work and further development of the material and technical base of the Institute.

Deputy directors of the Institute are: Assoc. prof Goltsov A.B. - Deputy Director of the Institute for Academic Activity; Assoc. prof. Serykh I.R. - Deputy on scientific and innovative activity; deputy-director on social and cultural work Krutilova M.O. -  faculty member; Assoc. Piriyev Yu.S. - Deputy on economic activities and work in dormitories.

The Institute trains engineers in the following areas:

08.05.01 – Construction of unique buildings and structures – specialist level

The Institute also trains bachelors in the following areas:

08.03.01 – Construction engineering, according to the following training profiles:

  • Urban development and municipal economy;
  • Building design;
  • Manufacture and use of building materials, products and structures;
  • Industrial and civil construction;
  • Heat and gas supply, ventilation, water supply and water disposal of buildings, structures and housing estates;
  • Technical  operation of housing and municipal  services;
  • Real estate assessment and managmeent.

22.03.01 – Materials Science and Materials Technology.

List of departments
Research work
Specialized laboratories
Contact details:
  • Address: 308012, Russia, Belgorod, 46  Kostyukova street, BSTU, Construction Engineering Institute, Main building, aud. 401
  • Tel., fax: (4722) 55-88-03
  • E-mail:
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