The Museum and Exhibition Complex

Director of
The Museum and Exhibition Complex
Tamara L. Konoreva

an Honorary worker of the general education of
the Russian Federation
office 203, tel. 30-99-25, switchboard 14-25

The University Museum was established on the 28th of March, 1979. The Exhibition Center was opened in 2000. These two units were transformed into The Museum and Exhibition Complex in 2001,  and now it is the cultural education center of the university.  The Museum and Exhibition Complex has the status of an innovative venue. It is the winner of the national competition for the best museum in the category "The best museum exposition in the region and Russia." Furthermore, the Museum and Exhibition Complex is the prizewinner of the national contest for the best media project dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, the winner of the Regional Contest of the Belgorod Region Youth Policy Office "Let's Save and Enrich", the winner of the regional contest "Russian dynasties", participant of the national competition "We are the multinational wealth of Russia."

Various guided tours, scientific conferences, military-patriotic readings, lectures dedicated to the Days of Russia's military glory, meetings dedicated to the anniversaries of outstanding Russian and foreign scientists and memorable dates took place in the Museum and Exhibition Complex on regular basis.

During the year there are various exhibitions of scientists and students works, both scientific and creative. Creative projects of members of the Artist Union of Russia play important role in the work of complex. Various projects are carried out in collaboration with the open air museum "The Third Battlefield of Russia", the Belgorod State Historical and Art Museum Diorama "The Battle of Kursk, Belgorod front”, Belgorod State Art Museum, Belgorod State Literary Museum, Belgorod State Museum of Folk Culture.

The Museum and Exhibition Complex is visited by local students and students from all over the region, students groups, as well as guests from universities of Russia, France, Iraq, Germany, the USA, Serbia, Zambia, Oman, Poland and others.

Contact us:

Mail: office 203, academic building No.3, 46 Kostyukova St., BSTU, Belgorod.
Phone/Fax: (4722) 30-99-25; switchboard 14-25; (4722) 30-99-80, switchboard 16-20
E-mail: ,
Open hours: Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Closed: Saturday, Sunday).

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