Computer halls

All computers   are connected to corporate network with Internet connection. The system of video surveillance works in these halls. Multimedia  projective video equipment, multimedia materials ( presentations and educational videos) are used when carrying out a laboratory and practical training.  The rooms for holding laboratory researches are equipped with laboratory furniture, laboratory equipment and educational visual aids.

Educational equipment provides laboratory works performance according to curriculum.

In informatization and communications management   there is a division of educational computer halls, which are the control center and dispatching service.

There are 35 computer halls of different purposes in the campus of the University (20 industry, 15 educational).

Аre represented in the structure of branch halls:

  • Technological halls
  • Computer design halls
  • Branch hall
  • Internet club

The classes, course and diploma projecting, presentations and professional development course are held according to the time-table.

Computer halls are equipped with modern high-performance computer equipment, peripheral and multimedia equipment( laser printers, projectors, interactive boards, scanners, tablets, 3 D manipulators). License software with continuous updating is used in these halls.

Rooms of computer halls are equipped with modern engineering systems (security system, video surveillance, autonomous power food, air conditioning and purification of air, electro grounding, anti-static floor covering) are equipped with special computer furniture, which is designed according original projects. The total  area of computer halls is 2500 square meters.

The functioning of halls according replaceable schedule is provided by 15 high quality employees with the   long-term experience of high school.

They are ought to provide ensuring trouble-free operation of the equipment, installation of software, administration, service and technical works. The schedule of work is regulated distantly in the electronic view in dispatching service.

The students have possibilities to use halls for independent work according the preliminary record.

Working hours: 8.00-21.00 on Saturday : 8.00-15.00

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