Department of student science

Students Scientific Society

The aims of student scientific research organization:

  • Practical acquaintance of students, masters and post graduate students with all stages of scientific work;
  • Creation of necessary creative and scientific events for identification of talented youth
  • Formation of necessary professional qualities and skills of independent  student work for the purpose of their transition to the status of qualified masters and post graduate students for the next studying and personnel improvement on the basis of new scientific progress and country organization, economical thought and cultural development.

The main tasks of the department of student scientific research organization :

  • ensuring integration of studies and research work of students, masters and post graduate students;
  • implementation of organic  unity in studying and students training of students, masters, and post graduate students towards creative, scientific and pedagogical work;
  • condition creation for realization personnel creative abilities of student youth;
  • expansion of mass character and increasing results in the scientific activity;
  • selection of talented youth, which reveal abilities and aspiration for scientific and pedagogical activity;
  • formation and development of scientific qualities of students, masters, and scientific staff;
  • formation and development the following skills: to conduct scientific- professional work at the enterprises  and at the institutions of different law forms; to create fast adaptation, to perform work under changed conditions; to develop methodology and planning practice , to choose optimal solutions under market conditions , to be ready to improve skills;
  • preparation of high quality qualification staff who has skills in project –constructive work, who can competent develop and realize scientific- practical events at enterprises, having skills of self-governing;
  • increase in mass character and efficiency of the Department of student scientific research organization by students involving into the research according priority scientific directions, which are connected with modern state and society needs.
  • searching and realization of financial sources including non-budgetary source and innovative high school activity , improvement of forms and methods which are involved into Scientific research organization ;
  • development of scientific relationship between high school not only between neighboring countries but also far abroad.

Address: 308012 Belgord, Kostukova St. 46 Belgorod Schukhov State Technological University, department of research scientific organization (main building, 4 th floor, flat 402) Tel.: (4722)30-33-75, fax (4722)5541-6, E- mail:

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