Head of the center
Borisov Ivan Nikolaevich


Scientific and methodical Centre of professional education of experts of the industry of construction materials, in-service-trainings, professional development

The Scientific and Methodical Centre (SMC) was created in 2005 at department of technology of cement and composite materials. Its primary activities are training and in-service-training of specialists for enterprises in the operational usage of equipment, increase their professional knowledge in the improvement and production management, carrying out technological tests and installing the units’ mode of industrial productions of construction materials, in the introduction of modern technologies and high-performance equipment in technological process.

All types of scientific and methodical, educational and research activities of the Centre are carried out at the university base according to plans, contracts and programs, approved by the University Rector and coordinated with customers.

Under licenses the SMC carries out training in the programs of vocational training in the following professions:

  • furnace operator (burner) of the rotating furnace;
  • assistant furnace operator (burner) of the rotating furnace;
  • chemical analysis laboratory assistant;
  • laboratory assistant in physical and mechanical tests/

In-service-training for professional development of specialists of enterprises up to 72 hours for the following programs:

  • Optimization and installation of operating mode of cement rotating furnaces to reduce fuel consumption, increase in lining solidification and prevention of brick dusting;
  • X-ray control methods of chemical and phase composition of materials of cement industry;
  • Cement production. Modern technologies and equipment;
  • Raw materials, furnace charge, glassmaking, production quality;
  • Methods of analysis of portland cement clinker and cement;
  • New technologies and equipment of cement production.

The subject of the program is coordinated with enterprises and can change.

Through SMC annual vocational professions and in-service-training skills are conducted for between 100-150 specialists of cement, glass and ceramic enterprises of Russia and CIS countries.

Contact and additional information:

  • Head of SMC - Professor Borisov Ivan Nikolaevich, Dr. (Sci.Tech.)
  • Tel.+7-4722-55-05-47
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