Scientific and Methodical Centre of Professional Education of Experts in the field of information technologies

Professional Education of Experts (PEE) has been functioning since 2009 at the Scientific and Methodical Centre (SMC) of professional education of experts in information technologies at the department BSTU.

The purpose of the Centre is the quality improvement of additional professional education, in-service-trainings and professional development of experts in the field of communication and information technologies.

The main objectives of the Centre are:

  • organization of educational process of professional development and in-service-training of personnel for information technologies
  • formation of the staff team of teachers and employees of the Centre, their qualification improvement
  • support the established educational procedure and scientific process in accordance to literature, equipment and materials
  • implementation of paid additional educational programs and services
  • the organization of testing centres in the field of information technologies
  • carrying out scientific research in the complex use of new information technologies in education
  • formation in the regional software material funds for implementation of modern IT education, promotion, advertizing, presentation and distribution of new information technologies, programs and hardware
  • creation of an educational and technological centre (educational classes) as a polygon for testing new educational technologies, carrying out educational scientific research and experiments in the field of professional education
  • cooperation with international and regional organizations, funds, research centres, educational institutions, associations, clubs, other organizations as well as individuals in communication and information technologies
  • the organization and carrying out (independently as well as in cooperation with other organizations) conferences, exhibitions, seminars, press conferences and other activities  necessary for implementation of the functioning of centre
  • publication of scientific research results, seminars, situational analyses, discussions and other activities and also other materials necessary for goal achievement of the functioning of the centre
  • representation of the university interests at different levels on issues within the limits of centre competence.
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