Scientific and Methodical Centre of professional education heads (managers) and economists

General information:

The Scientific and Methodical Centre (SMC) of professional education of heads (managers) and economists, in-service-trainings, professional development and training is a structural subdivision of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University.

All types of scientific and methodical, educational and methodical and research and development activities of Centre are carried out on the bases of the university according to the plans, contracts and programs approved by the University Rector and coordinated with customers.

Main objectives and tasks:

The main objective of the Centre is the quality improvement of additional professional educational training, in-service-trainings and professional development of experts in the field of economy and finance for the enhancement of their professional knowledge to increase efficient economic activities of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

Main objectives of the Centre:

  • the organization of educational process of professional development and in-service-training of personnel for economy and finance for the enhancement of their professional knowledge to increase efficient economic activities of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership;
  • increase in scientific research in the field of complex use of new information technologies in education;
  • creation of an educational and technological base (educational classes) as a polygon for testing new educational technologies, carrying out educational scientific research and experiments in the field of professional education;
  • implementation of paid additional educational programs and services;
  • cooperation with international and regional organizations, funds, research centres, educational institutions, other organizations as well as individuals in economy, management, information and communication technologies in construction and other spheres of economic activities;
  • an intensification and enhancement of inter-university interaction in the direction of bachelors and masters training of "Economics" and "Management";
  • formation of the staff team of teachers and employees of the Centre, their qualification improvement;
  • support the established procedure in accordance with educational and scientific process with literature, equipment, materials, software;
  • the organization of testing centres of in the field of economy and finance and management;
  • the organization and carrying out, exhibitions, seminars, scientific and practical and methodical conferences, round table discussions, master classes as independent as well as in cooperation with other organizations in topical issues of the theory and practice of economy, finance and management necessary for implementation of functioning of the centres
  • publication of scientific research results, seminars, situation analyses, discussions and other activities as well as other materials necessary for the achievement of goals of the functioning of the Centre;
  • representation of university interests at various levels on issues within the competence of the Centre.

Head of the Centre: Chizhov Sergey Fedorovich, PhD (ECONS), Associate Professor.

Contact and additional information:

  • 308012, Belgorod, Kostyukova St. 44, hostel No. 2, room 202
  • Tel. +7-910-737-9295
  • Email:
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