The national level center of excellence
«Nanotechnologies and the constructional and functional materials for building and special purposes»

The purpose of the project implementation: creating on the basis of the university a national level center of excellence, having the up-to-date instrumental and technological base and the  highly-qualified personnel, able to carry out the  competitive fundamental and applied research in the sphere of nanotechnologies, designing constructional and functional materials for building and special purposes, breakthrough additive and module technologies, their application in innovation-oriented branches of regional and national economy and the training of highly-qualified specialists.

The objectives of the project implementation:

  • Organizing a transdisciplinary academic and technological platform for creating and implementing advanced technologies, including nanotechnologies, additive and module technologies,  nature-like technologies of designing the energy-efficient functional composites and products for building and special purposes with high performance properties, low materials consumption and the required durability for modern infrastructure with account of the territorial specifics of raw components and the performance requirements, imposed for the structures and innovative technologies in building industry.
  • Improving and implementing chemical technologies and nanotechnologies of synthesizing constructional and functional monocrystal and composite materials, including the materials for radio-protective, building and special purposes.
  • Design and research of scientific and engineering solutions concerning the use of constructional and functional materials for building and special purposes in advanced technologies of building integrated residential areas with the use of additive-module technologies, optimization of engineering and technical solutions in ecological and energy efficiency, creating the harmonious human living environment.
  • Providing the main areas of the regional and the national development with qualified human resources for developing the additive and module technologies, opening the new promising training and academic programs in the sphere of construction, materials science (radiation materials science), high-melting-point silicate non-metallic materials technology and up-to-date power industry materials technology.
  • Participation in creating an integrated federal technical regulation system (standardization, certification, accreditation and expertise) in the sphere of building materials, products and structures, produced by means of additive technologies, and certification of the enterprises' specialists in standardization, metrology and innovative products testing.


Evgeni Ivanovich Evtushenko
doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of Department of glass and ceramics technology
Phone:  (4722) 55-41-61, int.: 4-41

Valery Stanislavovich Lesovik,
corresponding member of RAACS, doctor of technical sciences, professor,  head of Department of construction materials science, products and structures
Phone:  (4722) 55-82-01, LB, r. 204

Valeria Valerievna Strokova,
doctor of technical sciences, professor, counselor of RAACS, head of Department of materials science and technology
Phone:  (4722) 54-90-41, 55-87-85.

Vyacheslav Ivanovich Pavlenko,
doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of Department of pure and applied chemistry
Phone:  (4722) 54-96-04, LB, r. 333
Margarita Viktorovna Perkova 
candidate of architecture, professor, head of Department of architecture and urban planning
Phone: (4722) 30-99-83, MB 612а,


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