Intellectual activities

  • Division

    The intellectual property protection is one of the major directions characterizing the activities of research and development operations.

  • Inventions

    The technical solution of an innovation in any area relating to any product (in particular, device, substance, microorganism molecule, cells of plants or animals) or method (implementation process activities over material object by appliance means) is protected.

  • Useful models

    The technical solution is protected as a useful model relating to the device.

  • Industrial samples

    An industrial sample is defined by its appearance as an industrial or domestic production if it maintains art and design solution and is protected as a product.

  • Know-how

    The data of any character (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including intellectual activity results are recognized in the scientific and technical sphere and also data about professional activity implementation which have real or potential commercial value due to the fact that it is owing to unknown to the third parties and have no free legal access and whose data have been introduced a trade secret regime (know-how).

  • Computer programs

    Copyright of all types of the computer programs (including operating systems and program) expressed in any language and form, including text source and code, is protected the same as literary works copyright. The computer program is a set of data provided in the objective form and commands intended for functioning of a computer and its other devices for the purpose of obtaining a specific result including the preparatory materials received during computer program formation, and audiovisual displays.

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