
The international social movement of innovators "Technopark of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov "

Chairman of Technopark
Sergey Nikolayevich Glagolev
Doctor of Economic Scineces, professor

The international social movement of innovators "Technopark of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov " (here in after Technopark BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov) Posted at April 10, 2012 for the implementation of international cooperation and integration of road users in the area of ​​research and development and innovation, as well as the implementation of intellectual activity results of the university scientists in industry and other sectors of the economy the Russian Federation and foreign states.

The objectives of the Technopark are:

  • The development of international cooperation between the VPO "Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov " and members of the Movement in the field of innovation, the implementation of research and development and transfer of intellectual property.
  • Creating favorable conditions for the development of scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship and mechanisms to attract investments in high-tech innovative projects implemented by members of the Movement.
  • Combining innovators University and other organizations to provide material, moral and legal support to protect their rights and professional interests. Providing wide range of assistance to the university and enterprises of all forms of ownership in the preparation of highly qualified personnel, fulfillment of their creative abilities in the implementation of R & D and technology transfer.
  • Accelerated industrial development of the results of research and development activities, development of new technologies, products and services and bring them to the consumer.
  • Involvement in innovation activities of young scientists from the number of students, graduate students, doctoral students and academic staff of universities, research institutes, organizations of all forms of property;
  • Creating an environment conducive to the development of innovative activity in a single educational and scientific-innovative university complex.
  • Assistance for the mutual transfer of technology from the university research sector to sector and industry partnership between the public and private sectors.
  • Assistance finding strategic partners for the departments and university institutes.
  • Formation of the cooperation programs between the members of the Movement and partners, containing concrete actions with fixed result.

To achieve these objectives Technopark following tasks:

  • Formation and development of innovation infrastructure created for the benefit of innovative enterprises, introducing the results of research, intellectual property and inventions of members of the Movement;
  • Creating and updating databases of members of the Movement and their partners in innovation in various regions of Russia and foreign countries.
  • The development of new forms of mutually beneficial partnership in the dipole "university-enterprise".
  • Assistance in attracting to active business activities of the faculty, students and academic staff and the implementation of their ideas and projects.
  • Assistance in training and entrepreneurship training in the field of high technology, economics, management, marketing, raising the level of their professional, legal, economic and managerial knowledge. Participation in retraining and advanced training of the teaching staff and training of students in the profile of activity of innovative enterprises Technopark BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
  • Formation of innovative proposals, scientific and technical projects and programs aimed at the creation of high technologies and competitive products, accelerate their implementation in production;
  • Enhancing scientific, technical and material base of educational and scientific laboratories of the university, facilitating the organization and improve the quality of the educational process and basic research.
  • Development of recommendations on improvement of the educational process, taking into account market demands innovation.
  • Maintaining the traditions of the University, strengthening its image and increasing the status of the university in the regional and international markets in the field of science and innovation system through: innovation and implementation of high-tech business proposals, graduate employment, advanced training of specialists.
  • Creation and development of collective forms of legal information and advertising service of the Movement members, providing them with advice and other kinds of assistance in their professional activities.
  • The union and the effective use of intellectual and professional potential of the Movement in the form of participation in conferences, exhibitions, business meetings, consultations and other activities.
  • Implementation of information and publishing activities on topical issues of life of the university and companies using a variety of media (publication of booklets, alumni memories, publication of articles, the exchange of information through electronic means of communication, and others.).
  • Implementation of charitable activities, to provide financial assistance to members of the Movement in the implementation of innovation, taking into account the interests of the Movement.
  • Establishing links between the authorities, business representatives and the university on the development of scientific and innovative integration and training of qualified specialists mechanisms.

To realize these goals and objectives of the Movement integrates methodical, scientific, human and informational potential of the Movement cooperates with state and municipal authorities, establishes partnerships with innovation-oriented businesses.

Address: 46, Kostyukov st., office 306, Building № 5, Business-incubator,  Belgorod, Russia.

Office of vice-rector for science Yevgeny I. Yevtushenko

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