
International cooperation with Germany

International cooperation with Germany

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov for four years working with the Higher School of Technical Sciences. G. Agricola (Bochum, Germany). Recently delegation visited the flagship university of the Belgorod region.
Regional Student Easter

Regional Student Easter

A regional student Easter took place on the territory of the temple of the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Despite the rainy weather, students from all universities and colleges of the Belgorod region, including students from the regional university, came here
Students visited Mining and Processing Plant

Students visited Mining and Processing Plant

Last week, students of the Mechanical Equipment Department visited the Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant. The excursion to the GOK was organized by the Center for International Education and Cooperation of BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov and the Department of Mechanical Equipment for students enrolled in the English program
Foreign students have taken the first step in science

Foreign students have taken the first step in science

Students of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of the flagship university took part in the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Scientific and Technological Progress", which was held on the basis of the Gubkinsky branch of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
Shukhov team Won in Grant Competitions of the Innovation Promotion Fund

Shukhov team Won in Grant Competitions of the Innovation Promotion Fund

Students, graduate students and young scientists have filed more than a hundred applications for grant competitions of the Foundation: "UMNIK", "Technocrat" and others. In April, the expert committee summed up the results. Among the winners are 11 young scientists and graduate students of the flagship university .

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