
France and Russia: Cooperation in the Education Sphere

France and Russia: Cooperation in the Education Sphere

On January 23, Belgoirod Shukhov State technological University received the delegation of the University of Lille 1 (France). The parties have signed is a legal document which will become the first step on the path of developing the cooperation.
BSTU Rector as an Olympic Torchbearer

BSTU Rector as an Olympic Torchbearer

The university rector, professor Sergei GLAGOLEV went to his distance in Olympic torch relay-race. BSTU representatives and residents of the city of Belgorod took part in the celebration
The thousandth foreign student

The thousandth foreign student

The number of foreigners studying at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is steadily increasing. In this school year the number of foreign students enrolled in all forms , has exceeded one thousand . The thousandth student became a citizen of Brazil Vilas De Freitas Filho Renato .
Merry Christmas time

Merry Christmas time

The students of preparatory faculty for foreign students at BSTU were able to continue their acquaintance with the rich traditions of the Russian people. This time the hall at the Student s’ Art centre hosted the celebrations of Yuletide midwinter festival.
New year celebrations in a Russian way

New year celebrations in a Russian way

Chinese students studying at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and Belgorod Institute of Arts and Culture could recently get acquainted with the history of the New Year in Russia.
Generous evening, good evening

Generous evening, good evening

Staff at the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens acquainted the students with great traditions associated with unique Russian national holiday - old New Year.
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