Press conference with the delegation from Syria


The agreement on establishing a Russian-Arab scientific and technological centre was signed on June 16 at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and Public establishment for road communications of Syrian Arab Republic. The content of the agreement was discussed during the press conference in the presence of Dr.Eng.Youssef Hammood, General Manager of Public Establishment For Road Communications, deputy minister of transport of Syrian Arab Republic and Eng. Hassan Ezeddin Abu Khreish, head of office Director General at  Public Establishment For Road Communications (Syria). BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov was represented by the Chancellor, doctor of economic sciences, professor S.N. Glagolev and the first vice-chancellor for scientific, innovation and international activity V.S. Lesovik.


The scientific and technological centre is going to become a BSTU representation in Damascus, the capital of Syrian Arab Republic, providing students training, conducting research, designing highways, bridges, tunnels. On the basis of the centre, BSTU representatives intend to establish specialist retraining for those who are already employed by companies in the Arab states.


The journalists representing the local mass media could ask a number of questions like young people’s life, their most urgent social problems, their position in the society, employment problems.

When answering one of the questions concerning the responsibility for upkeep of highways Dr. Youssef Hammood, General Manager of Public Establishment For Road Communications, deputy minister of transport in Syria said that Syria can be proud  of its highways At the same time he stressed a very careful attitude his country gives to foreign experience. Overseas specialists are willingly employed. The deputy minister mentioned high quality of highways in Belgorod oblast.

The question of the status of a Syrian women, her study opportunities to get higher education, career prospects for a high ranking post, arose keen interest.  In Syria women often have the posts of ministers and are equal with men in getting higher education Some of them prefer to devote their lives to family and children.

Answering the question about increasing the number of Syrian students in BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, the Chancellor S.N. Glagolev stressed that at present the university is extending students admission form the Arab states. This year 12 Syrian students are taking courses at BSTU and their number will be increase.

At the end of the press conference the representative of Syria highly estimated everything he saw at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and he also pointed out welcome and hospitality of the Belgorodians.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Victoria Goryainova




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