Congratulations from Rector Sergei Glagolev on the New Year

Congratulations from Rector Sergei Glagolev on the New Year
Dear friends, colleagues, students!
On the eve of the upcoming new year, it is customary to sum up the results, to see what has been achieved from the plan, and what remains to be done next year. The outgoing 2022 was a very difficult year for our country as a whole, and for the Belgorod region in particular. For us, residents of the border region, and those who tied their fate with BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, having decided to get an education in one of the best flagship universities in the country, it became a serious test, which, however, revealed our strengths - the ability to unite, unite and find the strength to continue to live, work, study under any circumstances.
I especially want to note the fact that literally every Shukhov resident in this difficult time showed himself as a real citizen: the guys kept watch in the voluntary people's squad, volunteers from our university helped internally displaced people from the DPR and LPR, took an active part in the work of the Red Cross, our teachers and staff held an educational camp "Future Engineers" for schoolchildren from the LPR and nearby areas as part of the "University profile shifts" project. And this is only part of the great work that our university has been doing all this year.
2022 was a busy year for BSTU in terms of strengthening and developing international cooperation - representatives of such countries as Angola, Abkhazia, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and many others expressed their desire to interact and continue cooperation with us countries near and far abroad.
One of the most significant events for our university was that the development of our scientists was successfully tested in outer space, and the results obtained confirmed the radiation-protective characteristics of the composite, which were previously established in the course of comprehensive ground-based studies. We expect that in the near future the technologies proposed by Shukhov's scientists for Roscosmos will be introduced into the space industry at the Russian orbital space station under construction.
As the rector of BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov , I especially want to note that over the past year, our scientific developments and achievements have more than once glorified the name of the great engineer Shukhov in many industries and the national economy of Russia, including thanks to the participation of the university in the Priority 2030 program, and the awards received, scholarships of the president, governor, mayor, as well as grants won, indicate that we are on the right track and our scientific ideas, as well as the technologies of the future created on their basis, are in demand.
I express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and staff of the university for working in a difficult remote format, and to students, graduate students and young scientists of the university - my admiration for the fact that even at such a time they were able to achieve outstanding success in various scientific, educational, creative and sports competitions.
My dear Shukhov team! I sincerely congratulate everyone on the upcoming holidays, wish you and your loved ones health, inexhaustible love of life and confidence that in the new year everything that we ourselves will make efforts to, in which we will invest our abilities and how we can reveal our talents, will come true!
Let the new year be the year of peace, goodness and prosperity!
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