To eradicate evil from the whole world

June 26 is traditionally celebrated in many countries of the world as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. This date was established by the UN General Assembly as a sign of determination to create a drug-free world society. On the eve of a memorable day at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov hosted the Interuniversity scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual problems of drug addiction prevention in higher educational institutions." Currently, one of the main threats to the security of the world community is the spread of narcotic and other psychoactive substances among the youth. These criminal phenomena have a destructive effect not only on the health of citizens, but destabilize the political, economic and social situation in any state. Politicians, public figures, representatives of law enforcement agencies, higher education institutions, as well as more than 200 students from various universities gathered at the Technological University to discuss these topical problems. The rector of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, Professor S.N. Glagolev.

Sergei Nikolaevich noted that the topic that brought together the participants of the round table meeting is extremely acute and important today. Such a socially negative phenomenon as drug addiction is a real global epidemic that is spreading at a tremendous speed, capturing, first of all, young people - students. It is during the period of study at a university that the formation of basic moral qualities takes place, separation from parental control and expansion of personal contacts. Therefore, the task of universities, Sergei Nikolayevich emphasized, is not only to provide professional education, but also to educate students. To instill in them worldview attitudes and develop the skills to regulate behavior. The task of the forum, which BSTU im. V.G. Shukhov initiated and provided all available resources for holding a meeting both in person and remotely for all universities of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, there was a deep scientific study of the factors influencing the emergence and development of such a criminal manifestation as drug addiction. The conference participants shared their experience in developing practical tools that allow at an early stage to effectively prevent and stop the spread of psychoactive substances among students. As the host of the interuniversity conference noted in his report, Vice-Rector for Security of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor V.I. Borisovsky, in Russia today great attention is paid to the problem of preventing the spread of drugs and other psychoactive substances among the youth and, above all, among students. At a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, when discussing a new strategy for the state anti-drug policy until 2030, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin called the drug problem a challenge to the whole world. In accordance with the current Federal legislation and regulations of the subjects of the Federation, the main strategic direction in the fight against drug trafficking is the prevention of this criminal phenomenon.

The most important role in this complex, but extremely necessary preventive activity, Vladimir Ivanovich emphasized, belongs to higher educational institutions. Today, universities have great potential in educating young people, forming their systemic personal values, positive guidelines and preventing the spread of narcotic drugs.  V.I. Borisovsky also noted that on this topic at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov traditionally hosts conferences, and the number of participants in such important symposiums is increasing every year. So, this time representatives of the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Republic of Djibouti, the Republic of Sudan, the Republic of Peru, the State of Palestine took part in the conference. Thanks to the speeches of foreign colleagues, the conference participants got a unique opportunity to discuss issues of drug addiction prevention not only within the framework of Russian legislation, but also to significantly expand their scientific and practical knowledge, having become familiar with international experience.

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Yu.V. Arkharov, State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor of the Belgorod Region V.I. Torgovchenkov, Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Belgorod Region - Chief of Police, Police Colonel V.V. Medvedev. Well-known lawyers, jurists, philosophers and sociologists also spoke at the conference: President of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation I.M. Matskevich, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor L.V. Gotchina, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council - Director of the International Institute for Monitoring the Development of Democracy, Parliamentarism and Observance of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the IPA CIS Member States, Doctor of Law, Professor I.I. Mushket, Head of the Department of Forensic Science and Criminalistics, National Research University BelSU, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor N.A. Zhukova, Head of the Department of Sociology and Management, BSTU. V.G. Shukhova, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor M.A. Ignatov.
The conference was attended by representatives of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, the Iraqi Association of Graduates of Soviet and Russian Universities, the regional public organization "Union of Criminalists and Criminologists", the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, administration of the Belgorod region, Belgorod, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belgorod region, the universities of Belgorod and students. On the eve of the scientific-practical conference, interuniversity competitions of student scientific works and posters "Youth against drugs" were held. More than 80 students from 15 universities, including the Belarusian National Technical University and the Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, took part in the competitions. The winners of the contests also took part in the conference, and the conference participants could get acquainted with the best anti-drug posters. Special attention in the prevention of the spread of narcotic subculture in the university was deserved by the report of the Vice-Rector for Security of the Belarusian State Technical University named after  V.G. Shukhov V.I. Borisovsky.
Vladimir Ivanovich told the audience in detail about the role of student organizations of the university in such proactive work. So, today the university has created a harmonious system of a unified educational, scientific, spiritual, moral, cultural and leisure environment, where each student can prove himself in various positive spheres of life, realize his abilities. More than 100 small innovative enterprises are organized at the university, in which 4,500 students are engaged in scientific and industrial activities. More than 2,000 people train in 35 sports sections, 1,827 people participate in 46 creative teams. Much attention is paid to the involvement of the students themselves in the process of preventing the non-medical consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and the suppression of their illicit trafficking. For these purposes, new law enforcement associations are being created, as well as practice-tested student associations of law enforcement. Currently, there are 7 such public formations in the university, each of which has its own direction of activity, united in one system. In addition, together with the Belgorod DOSAF, the military-patriotic clubs "Rescuer" and "Belogor" were organized. Volunteer law enforcement movement "Bulat" was formed from among active foreign students.
To coordinate their activities, train volunteers in legal and special knowledge, a center for organizing the work of student groups for the prevention of offenses "Shield" was created. The University's partnerships with student social organizations are mutually beneficial - students involved in crime prevention receive monetary rewards for their work. Such an organization of involving students in preventive activities contributes to their employment and is the legal basis for exemption from classes for the period of fulfillment of contractual obligations. A special task in the suppression of drug trafficking is assigned to the voluntary people's squad "Griffin", which has been operating at the university for more than 27 years. Members of the DND and the detachment of assistance to law enforcement agencies carry out the protection of public order on the territory and in the hostels of the university, during cultural and sports events at the university. Over the past 10 years, this association has been recognized as the best public law enforcement formation in the Belgorod Region.


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