Valery Falkov presented diplomas of professional development to history teachers from Donbas universities

In Rostov-on-Don, a solemn ceremony of presenting diplomas on advanced training to history teachers from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics took place. The head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov thanked the teachers for their respect for history and world traditions, which has become especially important in modern conditions. “Donbass universities can now lean on the fraternal shoulder of Russian colleagues. 23 universities have entered into partnership agreements. We agreed with our colleagues from the LPR and DPR on organizing a professional development program for history teachers, and today several dozen people are receiving certificates of their completion. In implementing the program, we relied on two authoritative organizations - the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Historical Society, and I am very grateful to my colleagues for this work. I am convinced that this is only the beginning of our large-scale projects together with Donetsk and Lugansk universities,” said Valery Falkov. President of the Russian Academy of Education Olga Vasilyeva also emphasized the relevance of historical education. “The formation of the worldview of the younger generation depends on the meanings and values ​​that history teachers carry, on their work. And we are talking not only about future historians, but also about teachers, engineers, doctors - graduates of all areas of training, ”said Olga Vasilyeva. Chairman of the Board of the Russian Historical Society, Executive Director of the History of the Fatherland Foundation Konstantin Mogilevsky noted the high professionalism of colleagues from the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics and emphasized the importance of exchanging experience in the professional community. “Without new contacts, there is no development either for science or for higher education. Our further work will be aimed at strengthening contacts with colleagues from scientific and educational organizations in other regions, so that we all develop together and teach our students about history,” said Konstantin Mogilevsky.

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