Events dedicated to Chinese National Holiday


     On September 30, 2011 Chinese students arranged an exhibition in the main entrance of Belgorod State Technological Institute named after V.G. Shukhov, which was dedicated to the establishment of Peoples’ Republic of China (1st of October). The students had started the preparations a week before the exhibition: they collected exhibits, made arrangements for mantling and dismantling, selected Chinese representatives.



 The exhibition was quite successful. Almost every Chinese students took part in it and 14 out of 21 represented their country at the exhibition. Students, members of the academic staff and BSTU employees expressed great interest in the exhibits, the Chinese students, especially to those wearing traditional Chinese clothes. The interested visitors were asking a lot about Chinese culture and history. Many of them, mainly students, were wondering if they could join Chinese language courses and willingly took pictures with the exhibition participants. BSTU press centre took the interview for «Теchnolog» newspaper from Chinese students.





As a result exhibition dedicated to the establishment of Peoples’ Republic of China consolidated social and cultural ties and relationship between Russia and China, gave an opportunity to Russian students to touch the history, culture and traditions of China, communicate with young people from another country.



        On October 1, on the day of Formation of  Peoples’ Republic of China the students had another event. 4 Chinese students form the institute of Culture and art joined 18 BSTU students to visit Belgorod State historical museum. The students were taking pictures near the exhibits they liked the most and at the entrance of the museum. They were listening to the guide with great attention and after that took a walk at the city centre which was followed by lunch in a café. All of them enjoyed the event and the opportunity to get together, chat and have a nice and interesting time. After the events the students came back to the university campus full of impressions.


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