Meeting of foreign students with the representatives of Federal Migration service and police


On September 30 BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov held an annual meeting of foreign students with the migration service and law enforcement agencies in Belgorod.
Among the participants of the event - the first vice- chansellor of BSTU, Professor N.A. Shapovalov, Vice Rector for International Relations R.V. Lesovik, director of the Center for International Education and Cooperation E.V. Kapustin, head of security S.M. Hlypalov and other officials.



Not only freshmen, but senior students came to a meeting with the representatives of Federal Migration Service and the police department.  This time the audience had no empty seats.
Opening the event first vice-chancellor, Professor N.A. Shapovalov said: "First of all, I would like to thank you for choosing our university. We will make every effort so that foreign students could gain invaluable knowledge resources and become highly qualified experts. "
Chief specialist on work in the hostel S.A. Kemenov briefly told the students about the rules of stay in hostels.
The staff of the migration service consulted foreign students on obtaining Russian citizenship. Students were explained the provisions of current immigration laws regulating the procedure for work permit and were told about the rules of stay in Russia, obtaining temporary residence permits and residence permits in Russia.



Head of security department of the university S.M. Hlypalov reminded students about the rules of access control at security checkpoints and security regulations. Representatives of the University administration, Federal Migration Service and the Department of Internal Affairs of Belgorod,  also answered numerous questions of foreign students during the meeting.

                                                                                                                       Julia Samoshina



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