For contribution to the development of international cooperation


On September 21, BSTU Chancellor, Professor S.N. Glagolev met the representatives of foreign students studying at the university. For and on behalf of the Embassy of Iraq in Russia, Dr. Yasser Allaham awarded an honorary diploma to Sergei Nikolaevich Glagolev "For outstanding contribution to the establishment and promotion of cultural and scientific cooperation between the Republic of Iraq and the Russian Federation. We look forward to continuing to work to strengthen friendly relations between our countries. " The Certificater of Honor” was signed by the Advisor on Culture and Education of the Embassy of Iraq in the Russian Federation Dr. Tuayma Muttair Hussein.


Currently the cooperation between our university and Arab countries in the field of higher education and research is actively growing and developing, the number of students from the region significantly increased, the links with scientific and educational centers is strengthening.
The Chairman of the Association of Foreign Students of universities of the Belgorod region, BSTU graduate V.G. Walid Abdul Muhammad Vahhad, who is now taking his course for master’s degree, presented the head of the university with a symbolic representation of Iraqi university relations which are actively developed in recent years.



The Chairman of the Association of Foreign Student at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov  Hosni Mahmoud Shakarna Ibrahim, who had been in Moscow on the meeting of students from Palestine, studying in Russia gave S.N. Glagolev a symbol of the country fighting for its independence on behalf of the Ambassador of Palestine. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere.
Public Relations Department



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