Presentations and job fairs for graduate students were held at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

At the  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, graduate students from the departments of architectural environment design, mechanical equipment, glass and ceramics, standardization and quality management met with Belgorod employers. A series of presentations was held by the Belgorod Jewelry Factory "Art-KARAT" in a combined format (online - on the YouTube channel, as well as in classrooms with students in compliance with all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor).

At the same time, a separate online presentation was held for students of the College of High Technologies. And for the Institute of Technological Equipment and Mechanical Engineering on the Zoom platform, representatives of large companies, such as Sokol-ATS CJSC, SOATE JSC, FORMAT printing house, SEZ Alabuga, spoke in videoconference mode. As part of the events held, company representatives spoke about employment opportunities, internships, internships, the specifics of activities and the system of mentoring in production.

Separately, the issues of working conditions, wages and KPI indicators for available vacancies, as well as career prospects and self-realization of graduates of the flagship university at enterprises were highlighted. One of the priority areas of cooperation was the organization of excursions for students to production facilities. Also, employers answered in detail the students' questions of interest. Job fair and company presentations are a unique opportunity for close cooperation between employers and job seekers. Such meetings help students find work quickly, and companies - to solve the problem of employment.

Note that between BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the Art-KARAT plant signed a long-term cooperation agreement, developed a roadmap for the development of cooperation, in particular, in the field of training highly qualified specialists and employing graduates. Dear students and teachers! NMC PATS continues the practice of holding job fairs in online format on the Zoom platform. Join the group of the Vkontakte Employment Promotion Center and you will be aware of all developments in the labor market of the Belgorod region and Russia. For more information on available vacancies, please contact the Graduate Employment Center (office 233 of the main educational building, tel. 30-99-64)

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