Students of our university are the winners of the All-Russian FQP competition in Kazan

At the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the final round of the All-Russian review of the final qualification work for the preparation of bachelors in the direction "Ground transport and technological complexes (training profile:" Hoisting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment ") was held in the videoconference mode.

In total, works from leading technical universities with geography from the Far East to the Near Abroad were presented at the competition: MADI, MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, Siberian State University of Railways, Pacific State University, Russian University of Transport, Kazan ASI, Voronezh State Technical University, Tula State University and others.

Graduates of the Department of Hoisting-and-Transport and Road Machines BSTU named after Shukhov presented 10 works performed under the guidance of the teachers of the department. The expert commission of the competition noted the active participation of students of the flagship university in the publication of their technical developments and the high level of preparation of graduate works, emphasizing the great practical importance, and the fact that many of them are recommended for implementation in production.

As a result of the work of the Department  presented for the competition took:

1st place: Evgeny Vypirailov (head of professor A. Romanovich), Svetlana Slavgorodskaya (head of assistant professor M. Romanovich), Mukhitdinov Shohizhahonbek Umidzhon ugli (head of assistant professor M. Gerasimov), Dmitry Agafonov (head of assistant professor M. B. Chetverikov), Alexander Morgunov and Vlada Morozova (supervised by senior teacher N. Lyubimy), Irina Murzina (supervised by associate professor T. Orekhova), Maxim Safonov (supervised by senior teacher V. Prokopenko),

2nd place: Sergei Troyan (head of assistant professor B. Chetverikov) and Artyom Novikov (head of assistant professor T. Orekhova).

Especially indicative is the fact that in the overall standings of the BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov took the honorable 1st place among the educational institutions that participated in the competition.

The invaluable exchange of experience with colleagues from other universities helps the faculty of the department to improve the educational process at a higher level. After all, the final qualifying work is the final result of many years of joint work of teachers and students.

The management of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering expresses special gratitude to the rector of the flagship university Sergey Glagolev and supervisors for the preparation and active participation of students in the review competition.

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