BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov developed the composition of photoluminescent concrete

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov has developed a method for making products from decorative concrete with photoluminescent pigment. This architectural and decorative building material can be offered for the manufacture of various products. These can be both small architectural forms and products of various configurations and sizes.

Benefits of using  decorative concrete with photoluminescent properties, the constructed buildings will have an architectural expressiveness in the dark. This effect will be observed throughout the entire service life without any additional coating.

The uniqueness of the developed material lies in the aesthetic value of concrete, which has the architectural ability of a surface structure. A photoluminescent pigment was added to the weighted composition of concrete, while all the required performance characteristics were retained. This innovation provides a new property - the glow of the products at night, which emphasizes their architectural expressiveness.

This technology for creating products with a glow effect will increase the level of safety in the dark. Made of concrete with photoluminescent pigment, they can become an additional means of signaling on dangerous and poorly lit road sections, parking lots, and bike paths.

Modified architectural and decorative concrete with photoluminescent materials has a compressive strength class B30 and a frost resistance grade F1 200. The composition of concrete is distinguished by the use of white Portland cement CEM I 52.5 N as a binder and fractionated marble crushing waste as aggregates. Thus, it is possible to obtain products that mimic natural marble as much as possible.

Also scientists BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is confident that it is possible to obtain products with higher physical and mechanical characteristics, if it is necessary for the operating conditions.

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