The university continues cooperation with the Embassy of Fance in Russia

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov has long and actively worked with the  Embassy of France in Russia on a range of issues of educational, scientific and cultural cooperation. The Embassy of the Republic  of France and the French Institute in Russia are the initiators of the annual meetings of French language teachers from Russian universities, in which educational and scientific projects are implemented in French.

At the beginning of October, a congress was held on the topic "Higher education institutions and the COVID-19 pandemic: teaching organization and new challenges." About three hundred representatives from 126 Russian universities, members of the French linguistic network of partners of the French Embassy in Russia, took part in the online conference.

The falgship university of the region was represented by the head of the rector's office, teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​Yekaterina Kugan and the head of the department for the development of international relations of the Center of the International Education and Cooperation, teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication Sabina Velieva.

The four days of the congress were full of many events. The plenary session was addressed by the Ambassador of the  Republic of France to Russia, employees of the France Embassy, ​​representatives of French universities and organizations.

Employees of the Embassy of France in Russia presented the project "Francophone Linguistic Network", its goals, directions, as well as a calendar of training seminars and internships for students and teachers of the linguistic network of partner universities, which includes BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

The IFprofs educational platform and the Culturethèque electronic library platform were presented to universities. Traditionally, publishing houses Hachette, Didier and CLE International presented new products for learning French.

Campus France and the French Institute in Russia held round tables, breakout sessions and master classes focusing on modern distance aspects of teaching French: principles and methods of teaching, preparation of interactive virtual classes, intercultural aspects of education, issues of developing communication skills.

The congress presented new forms and formats of inter-university cooperation between universities in Russia and France, discussed issues of student and scientific mobility, including with the scholarship support of the France Embassy in the Russian Federation.

The organizers and participants carried out fruitful joint work and outlined plans for further cooperation.

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