The partner company of the university held a number of meetings with students

Since September 2020, a series of career guidance events for students and alumni with representatives of the EFKO company has been implemented for the second time at the flagship university. Vice-rector for continuing education Sergei Mikhailichenko noted that a high-tech employer, despite the food and agro-industrial profile, is interested in exactly the graduates of the "technologist": energy engineers, IT specialists, marketers, etc.
“Our guys have proven themselves well, and the university annually employs graduates in the company. The plans include the creation of joint projects, student research projects, preparation of FQPs by the order of the enterprise, "noted Sergey Anatolyevich.


Opening the presentation, Yuri Buryak, Director of the Alumni Employment Center, greeted the participants of the event, stressing that such meetings help graduates to successfully realize their opportunities, and partner companies - to find worthy personnel.


As part of the event, representatives of EFKO, graduate of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov A. Sosnitsky and head of the recruiting department I. Semina, told the children about the available vacancies, the algorithm of employment at the enterprise, working conditions, the provided social package for employees, about guarantees of further training and development personal and professional growth. Students asked additional questions of interest to them in the field of employment and filled out employer questionnaires.

The leaders of the company are ready to accept graduates of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov for practice, to promote the professional and career development of the personality of young specialists, including with the help of experienced mentors.

Note that the face-to-face presentations of the company were held in compliance with all sanitary standards and requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.

Employees constantly keep in touch with employers and work in social networks

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