Karting marathon of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

This weekend at the auto sports complex "Virage" took place amateur karting tournament “Karting marathon of  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov ".
The organizers of the race were BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov and the Shukhov Racing Team. The task of the teams was to cover the distance of 150 laps with the best time indicators.


The participants were teams that had previously taken part in similar competitions:
team of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov "Technologist";
the team of the Department of Construction and Transport of the Belgorod Region "Drive";
the team of LLC "Belgorodoblprokt" "Drawing";
the team of the management of road facilities and transport of the Belgorod region "OGKU UprDorKhiT".

The head judge of the competition was the head of the Shukhov Racing Team, Artyom Korneev.


The honorary guests were present at the opening ceremony of the competition:

Glagolev Sergey Nikolaevich - rector of the flagship university of the Belgorod region,
Golikov Georgy Georgievich - Chairman of the Joint Trade Union Committee of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov,
Novikov Ivan Alekseevich - Director of the Transport and Technological Institute,
Shatalov Alexander Alekseevich - First Deputy Head of the Department of Construction and Transport of the Belgorod Region.

The teams showed excellent results and a spectacular race, because each participant tried to show the best time and get ahead. For the first time in a long time during the competition, not a single departure took place, which indicates the high professionalism and preparedness of the teams.


But, of course, as a result of the race, the leaders emerged, and the prizes were distributed as follows:

1st place: "Technologist",

2nd place: "OGKU UprDorKhiT",

3rd place: "Drive".

The awards were presented to the winners by the rector of the university Sergei Glagolev, who in his congratulatory speech expressed confidence that the teams will meet at the winter karting tournament.

Congratulations to all the winners and awardees and wish you further victories and better results!

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