Sanitary culture of BSTUnamed after V.G. Shukhov

There are a lot of preventive measures have been taken at BSTU to limit the spread of COVID-19. One of the main ones is the opportunity for any student, employee and teacher of the university to pass a smear for the determination of coronavirus infection absolutely free of charge in the regional clinical hospital named after I. St. Joasaph. At the moment, 84 studies have already been carried out. In addition, a mobile fluorograph is located on the territory of the university for the period of settlement of students in the hostel, which can also be used by everyone.
At the entrance and exit from the university hostels, the temperature of students is measured, which makes it possible to prevent the penetration of infection inside and, accordingly, isolate the infected from the student community. Thanks to these methods of work, during the period of the pandemic, 11 cases of COVID-19 infection were detected at the BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov. At the moment, qualified doctors in the region are working with all infected students of the university, whose condition is stable.


Active coverage of the epidemiological situation at the university is carried out through the wide broadcasting of videos and the use of voice alerts. According to the schedule, the medical staff of the university is also working, doctors tell students at lectures and in hostels about the foundations of a new sanitary culture.

Use of personal protective equipment.
Maintaining social distance.
The need to have antiseptics with you.
Exclude touching the face and mucous membranes.

In the lecture and classrooms of the flagship university, wet cleaning is carried out every 4 hours with the use of disinfectants. Students at the university are wearing masks, treating their hands with an antiseptic, and in the classroom they sit down taking into account the social distance.

At the  BSTU  named after  V.G. Shukhov, for the period of settling in dorms in the 2020-2021 academic year, a package of necessary documents was adopted, which includes a smear for COVID-19 using the PCR method. This is done in order to exclude the importation of infection from other regions and countries.

During check-in in the hostels of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov has a health center and a sanatorium, where individual work is carried out with each student. A hostel is a place of large student gatherings. You can settle in the hostel with a certificate stating the following:

The university student had no contact with those infected with COVID-19;
There is a calm epidemiological situation in the region where the student came from.

Taking these measures, the university is guided by one goal - to prevent the appearance of foci of the disease in dormitories and at the university.

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