Scientists of flagship university contribute to the development of the Arctic

Scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov took part in the International Conference "Scientific and Technical Issues of Arctic Development 2020: Present and Future", which was held online from September 10th to 11th.

Among the strategic tasks of the Russian Federation, the issue of the development of the North and the Arctic was discussed. To protect humans from the negative impact of abnormal natural and man-made processes, new generation composites are needed, which must be used in the construction of structures.

This is a complex problem that is being addressed through transdisciplinary research. Using the theoretical provisions of a new transdisciplinary science - geonics (geomimetics), a wide range of high-strength building composites for the construction of fortifications in the North and the Arctic, new porous glass composites and cellular concrete products have been developed.

The research results were presented by scientists from the flagship university at the conference.

The first report on the topic "New functional materials for the creation of infrastructure in the Arctic and the Far North" (authors V. Lesovik, O. Puchka, V. Bessmertny, B. Kozlenko) aroused great interest. The information obtained from the study of the structure of porous volcanic rocks was presented, which made it possible to obtain highly efficient heat-insulating and structural glass composites of a new generation with a compressive strength 3.5 times higher than that of traditional foam glass.

The report "Influence of the porous structure on the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete" (authors: V. Lesovik, A. Baranov, R. Fedyuk) was devoted to the development of effective materials for thermal insulation of building envelopes and structures operating in the Arctic.

The information presented by the scientists of the university interested many conference participants, in connection with which there were numerous proposals for cooperation.

Articles based on the research results in the presented reports will be published in the journal included in the international database Scopus.

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