Tomorrow starts today

Under the leadership of the Director of the Innovative Scientific, Educational and Experimental-Industrial Center of Nanostructured Composite Materials, Head of the Department of Materials Science and Technology of Materials, Professor of the Department of Building Materials Science, Products and Structures of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Doctor of Technical Sciences Valeria Strokova on September 8, an introductory lecture was organized on the topic: "Independent assessment of qualifications and the conduct of professional exam procedures" Entry into the profession "in nanotechnological and related high-tech areas of training.


In March 2020, on the basis of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, the Examination Center was opened, which became the first examination platform in the region for conducting an independent assessment of qualifications in the nanotechnology industry.


The center is certified by the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Nanoindustry to conduct professional examinations in 8 professional standards and 17 qualifications. These are the standards for various types of nanostructured building materials.

Employees of the university and specialists from leading enterprises of the Belgorod region, as well as other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are involved as experts in assessing qualifications and technical experts to work in the expert commission.

Thus, today to confirm the qualifications at the Examination Center of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov can be any specialist of the construction industry enterprises, working in the field of activity corresponding to the professional standard, a university graduate and even a student in the course of study.

On the basis of the center on September 11, for the first time in the Belgorod region, a professional exam for students "Entry into the profession" will be held. During this exam, students enrolled in bachelor's or master's educational programs in the areas of "Nanomaterials", "Construction" and "Materials Science and Technology of Materials" will be able to confirm their professional qualifications for compliance with the provisions of the professional standard.


“I believe that the Examination Center broadens the horizons of its participants and raises the level of their professionalism. This applies not only to students of the University of Technology, but also to many other professionals working in the construction industry. This is a kind of breakthrough, a look into the future, in the theoretical training of our builders "- noted Valeria Valerievna.

Valeria Strokova is the founder of the scientific school "Fundamental ideas about the typomorphism of mineral raw materials as a factor of structure formation in the processes of technological petrogenesis of building composites", registered under the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools. She is a well-known expert in the field of control over the synthesis of non-composites of the optimal structure using nanodispersed modifying additives, taking into account the typomorphism of raw materials in the system "nanoindividuals of raw materials - processes of structure formation - neocomposites".

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