A Party for Foreign Graduates


 This year 17 international students, who were trying hard taking the most complicated courses at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, got their graduation diplomas. The Association of Foreign Students and the academic staff came to share the joy of our graduates. In addition to the studies the students took an active part in the social life of the university.

            The final party took place at the hostel, where the students have lived for many years. The ways of the representatives of Chad, Angola, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Palestine, Senegal, China and Guyana will possibly be different, however they will never be able the years they have spent together in Russia. Later they will recall them with joy or sadness….


            Elena Nikolaevna Legochkina, the Dean of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students, Head of Russian Language Department, warmly congratulated the young specialists. She recalled their first steps in studying the Russian Language, their success and difficulties in their university life. Elena Nikolaevna wished the students prosperity and good professional careers and gave them honorary letters and awards.


            Joseph Marfo, a graduate of power energy institute, a student of the year – 2009, said a word response on behalf of the students. He extended sincere gratitude to all the university academic staff and E.Legochkina in particular for the care, understanding and highly professional teaching level.


             The students of the preparatory faculty, senior students, students from Belgorod state University and Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Art prepared a concert to congratulate the graduates and wish them good luck.     And the choice of the song to sing was not accidental, the students were singing “Russia has warmed the children speaking all the languages”

The students agreed that the years they have spent at the University are going to be the brightest act in the play called “Life”.            There is a belief that a burning candle makes a person pure and while it is burning a person has a hope. The graduates took candles and lit them as a symbol of a great fire in their souls, passion to their profession.



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