The regional stage of the NTI Circle Movement Olympiad will be held at the flagship university

The regional stage of the NTI Circle Movement Olympiad 2020/2021 will be held at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.

The National Technology Initiative (NTI) is a state program of measures to form fundamentally new markets and create conditions for Russia's global technological leadership by 2035.

The NTI Circle Movement Olympiad is an all-Russian multidisciplinary engineering competition for students in grades 8-11. The Olympiad is held in 29 directions in three stages: individual qualifying, team qualifying and final.

Large-scale projects are based on the work of many people, so immediately after the individual stage, in the second qualifying round, the participants of the Olympiad will work as a team, distributing tasks and responsibility for the result among themselves. The finalists will work with real engineering equipment and will put into practice all the knowledge demonstrated at the qualifying stages.

Small Technological University BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova became a platform for preparing students in grades 8-11 for the Olympics in 9 areas: autonomous transport systems, big data and machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, intelligent robotic systems, intelligent energy systems, composite technologies, nanosystems and nanoengineering, smart city.

For many years STU has created conditions for holistic development, professional self-determination of students, the formation of their readiness to continue their studies in the chosen direction and the holding of the regional stage of the NTI Olympiad on the basis of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova is an indicator of the high level and professionalism of the staff of the Small Technological University.

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad can enter the organizing universities without exams or receive additional points upon admission.

Simultaneously with the Olympiad, online courses on the Stepik platform are opening for all participants, which will help to go beyond the school curriculum, gain additional knowledge to solve the Olympiad problems and get acquainted with the world of modern engineering.

"The NTI circle movement, together with the profile commission of the Public Chamber, believes that one of the key tasks of the national education system is to train future technology leaders who can work at the forefront of science and technology," said Natalya Kravchenko, director for strategic development of the NTI Circle movement, at a meeting with the head states with members of the Public Chamber.

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