The flagship university held festive events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge

A series of festive events took place at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, timed to celebrate the main holiday for all students - the Day of Knowledge.

A festive concert for first-year students was held on the university square, where creative teams and student associations of the university presented their numbers. On September 1, it was possible not only to watch the concert, but also to walk through the interactive sites of all institutes. Each student could easily find the necessary information: information stands were placed everywhere, sports grounds worked, and cars of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation Sergey Andreevich Bozhenov addressed the students with a welcoming speech.


“Today, over 15 million schoolchildren and about 5 million students have opened the doors to a new world. Comprehend this world of knowledge, show initiative, work hard and strive to become better, ”Sergei Bozhenov noted in his speech.

Valentina Adamovna Kochetkova, head of the resource support department of the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region, also expressed her congratulations on the Day of Knowledge to students. She noted that students have already made a very significant choice in their lives - they have chosen their profession. “A good education is not only professional and career growth, but also the well-being of the life of each of you,” stressed Valentina Adamovna.

It was today that students first got acquainted with the administration and university staff, teachers and directors of institutes, received student cards and grade books, while always observing a social distance. Also, according to the tradition of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, first-year students received the coveted red student card and pronounced the words of the oath.

New meetings and acquaintances, previously unknown knowledge and skills, first scientific interests and tests of themselves in the chosen profession await young Shukhovites.

“I am sure that an interesting and eventful academic year is ahead of us. May it be filled with achievements and successes, creative victories and important scientific achievements, ”rector Sergei Glagolev addressed the first-year students with such wishes.


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